Assignment 3: Revisiting PowerPoint

    Through­out the process of edit­ing the Pow­er­Point, the prin­ci­ples of learn­ing were the main pri­or­i­ty. Think­ing about how the learn­er can inter­act more with the les­son and striv­ing to keep the infor­ma­tion easy to absorb. Before begin­ning to edit, I went over the feed­back pro­vid­ed by my peers as well as the learn­ing prin­ci­ples and the­o­ries we have learnt in the class. The key areas that stood out being the inclu­sion of testing/feedback for stu­dents, as well as a restruc­tur­ing of some of the text into bul­let-points to keep it streamlined. 

Trans­form­ing the Pow­er­Point to be more focused on the prin­ci­ples of learn­ing was a chal­lenge. The final pre­sen­ta­tion includ­ed as many of the prin­ci­ples as pos­si­ble. Addi­tion­al atten­tion was spent to the prin­ci­ples that I was ini­tial­ly miss­ing. Begin­ning with the split atten­tion prin­ci­ple, inte­grat­ing the text and pic­tures through the use of text box­es. Next, with the help of ani­ma­tions on Google Slides sig­nalling to the learn­ers what to pay close atten­tion to, the sig­nalling prin­ci­ple with the addi­tion of cues for impor­tant infor­ma­tion. While I am talk­ing on more detailed points/information, the ani­ma­tions high­light the bul­let points. Keep­ing with the orig­i­nal edit, I chose to not include my face to fol­low the embod­i­ment prin­ci­ple. Focus­ing only on the impor­tant infor­ma­tion at hand. I edit myself through­out my expla­na­tion to not repeat details, fol­low­ing the redun­dan­cy prin­ci­ple. As well, with the coher­ence prin­ci­ple exclud­ing extra­ne­ous material.

    With edit­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion, I want­ed to pay atten­tion to the dual cod­ing the­o­ry with the use of images that con­nect direct­ly through the mate­r­i­al. I want­ed to include a visu­al graph slide that exem­pli­fies the infor­ma­tion and show­cas­es the impact of the inequal­i­ty of GDP. Mir­ror­ing the key points I explain in a visu­al man­ner, com­bin­ing both the visu­al and the ver­bal process. 

    Revis­ing Pow­er­Point to include more of the learn­ing prin­ci­ples and take on a learn­er-first approach is use­ful for my future pre­sen­ta­tions. I hope to car­ry for­ward what I have learnt.