Blog Two

Learning concepts and the state of Flow.

Apply­ing dif­fer­ent forms of media to learn­ing has become more acces­si­ble and more impor­tant to bet­ter learn­ing out­comes. When cre­at­ing mul­ti­me­dia approach­es to learn­ing, under­stand­ing the dif­fer­ent the­o­ries that accom­pa­ny this is cru­cial. Whether it be in a work­place of an aca­d­e­m­ic envi­ron­ment, the learn­ing the­o­ries and con­cepts can be uti­lized to best express the argument/lesson you are try­ing to show­case. One of these the­o­ries is the con­cept of Flow. When peo­ple are engaged and inter­est­ed in a goal ori­en­tat­ed project, this state of flow cre­ates moti­va­tion and ener­gy to ful­fill the task. The con­cept of Flow is impor­tant when under­stand­ing the best learn­ing envi­ron­ment, and the steps it may take to get there. Get­ting into a state of Flow has become more dif­fi­cult with increased online activ­i­ties. Over the years it seems as if society’s atten­tion span has decreased with the intro­duc­tion and indoc­triFlow (psychology) - Wikipedianation of social media. Find­ing dif­fer­ent ways to become more engaged and aim for the best results in an online envi­ron­ment has become more impor­tant. Trans­fer­ring the core con­cepts of flow, such as choice and inde­pen­dent agency, with­in a goal ori­en­tat­ed project can be use­ful for learn­ing online as it pro­motes engage­ment and focused atten­tion on the task.

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