Blog 5 — The SECTIONS Model and Interactive Videos

Eval­u­at­ing my pre­vi­ous H5P video from the last blog post, the more appro­pri­ate method is the SECTIONS mod­el. Look­ing more into how the tech­nol­o­gy cho­sen was a strength or weak­ness for the intend­ed con­tent, rather than how it trans­formed the con­tent. The SAMR method may be bet­ter used when decid­ing on which tech­nol­o­gy is the most appro­pri­ate and how to best use it for teach­ing. The SECTIONS mod­el is a guide for the plan­ning process when using the select­ed tech. Lay­ing out the frame­work when think­ing about how to best inte­grate dif­fer­ent tech­nolo­gies in a les­son. The eval­u­a­tion process includes both reflec­tion on pre­vi­ous work, as well as look­ing for­ward on what can be improved upon in upcom­ing projects. This is why I have cho­sen SECTIONS, as I believe it will bet­ter guide me for my future work.

Where my inter­ac­tive video thrives is in the ease of use of the cho­sen tech­nol­o­gy when cre­at­ing. H5P was very easy to inte­grate into a blog, and pro­vid­ed step-by-step instruc­tions and tips while cre­at­ing a video. This allowed for bet­ter orga­ni­za­tion when con­struct­ing the video, while keep­ing costs low and secu­ri­ty high. If nec­es­sary, stu­dents can share and access the video at any time. Mak­ing it very acces­si­ble not only for the cre­ator, but for those watch­ing as well. Con­tin­u­ing with the learn­ing per­spec­tive, when access­ing the video the inter­ac­tive steps are very easy to fol­low. With the same com­fort­able out­line as a YouTube video paired with sim­ple ques­tions to allow for full ingratiation.

While the pos­i­tive of H5P are great, there are still some set­backs in the video I post­ed. Pri­mar­i­ly the net­work­ing and inter­ac­tion com­po­nents of SECTIONS. The video had very lim­it­ed inter­ac­tion between learn­ers, learn­er and cre­ator, and learn­ing mate­ri­als. I believe more opper­tu­ni­ty to con­nect not only the learn­er with the mate­r­i­al (for exam­ple through deep­er ques­tions), but with oth­er stu­dents as well. There was no area to dis­cuss the con­tent or com­ment on the video, which lim­its both the watcher’s ques­tions and future com­ments on more con­tent cre­ation. A com­ment sec­tion, or a place where those who have watched the video can come togeth­er and ask ques­tions, would increase this aspect.

I have added a copy of my pre­vi­ous video below, as a reminder for what I am referencing.


Below is a link to a brief Google Earth 360 Tour. Feel free to take a look around UVic and the sur­round­ing areas!

Google Earth 360 — Tour:


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