I espeÂcialÂly liked near the end of your blog, the clear examÂple of how incorÂpoÂratÂing the difÂferÂent proÂcessÂing methÂods in a PowÂerÂPoint preÂsenÂtaÂtion are benÂeÂfiÂcial. Using the worked examÂple prinÂciÂple, it proÂvidÂed a clear picÂture as to what you were talkÂing about and became much more relatÂable. The difÂferÂent segÂments you have in your blog break up the inforÂmaÂtion into very manÂageÂable sizes. The difÂferÂent parts of your blog use the segÂmentÂing prinÂciÂple niceÂly, makÂing it easy for readÂers to folÂlow. It is clear to see you have a learnÂer-forÂward approach on the layÂout of information.
Your blog makes it easy to conÂnectÂing the proÂcessÂing prinÂciÂples to a PowÂerÂPoint preÂsenÂtaÂtion, going forÂward it might be benÂeÂfiÂcial to include sigÂnalÂing for readÂers to enhance it even more. HighÂlightÂing or adding cues towards the most imporÂtant pieces of inforÂmaÂtion would be able to guide learnÂers attenÂtion even more.
OverÂall your blog looks realÂly nice and you seem to have a great underÂstandÂing on creÂatÂing a well-roundÂed blog post. I look forÂward to readÂing more in the comÂing semester.