I enjoyed the mulÂtiÂmeÂdia prinÂciÂple that you focused on in the blog post, also tied into your mulÂtiÂmeÂdia video. WithÂin your blog post, it all conÂnectÂed to one coherÂent thought. Using the coherÂence prinÂciÂple to highÂlight what you are tryÂing to comÂmuÂniÂcate. As well, in your screenÂcastÂing video, showÂcasÂing only the TikÂTok webÂsite and its funcÂtions allowed the learnÂer to focus on the conÂtent. UtiÂlizÂing the embodÂiÂment prinÂciÂple as to not disÂtract the viewer.
One aspect that might benÂeÂfiÂcial to look into, is includÂing mulÂtiÂmeÂdia conÂtent in the text-based part of your blog. ComÂbinÂing words and picÂtures might help deepÂen the underÂstandÂing of the readÂer, conÂnectÂed to the mulÂtiÂmeÂdia prinÂciÂple. You do a great job at explainÂing the reaÂsons behind a lesÂson plan, going forÂward that can be accentÂed with an exemÂpliÂfied image.
Your blog seems to have a nice clear layÂout, and I look forÂward to readÂing more!