List of MulÂtiÂmeÂdia LearnÂing PrinÂciÂples I kept in mind when creÂatÂing the PowÂerÂPoint presentation:
- SigÂnalling prinÂciÂple: adding aniÂmaÂtions to a list of points.
- MulÂtiÂmeÂdia prinÂciÂple: includÂing graphÂics and images paired with relÂeÂvant text.
- RedunÂdanÂcy prinÂciÂple: limÂitÂing the topÂic as to not repeat myself.
- CoherÂence prinÂciÂple: stickÂing to a sinÂguÂlar topic/keeping things simple.
- Pre-trainÂing PrinÂciÂple and PriÂor knowlÂedge prinÂciÂple: strucÂturÂing the preÂsenÂtaÂtion with the knowlÂedge that learnÂers will have a base underÂstandÂing of GDP.
- PerÂsonÂalÂizaÂtion prinÂciÂple: when explainÂing the difÂferÂent slides, keepÂing a casuÂal tone of voice and conÂverÂsaÂtion style.