Blog 7 — Life by PowerPoint


List of Mul­ti­me­dia Learn­ing Prin­ci­ples I kept in mind when cre­at­ing the Pow­er­Point presentation:

    • Sig­nalling prin­ci­ple: adding ani­ma­tions to a list of points.
    • Mul­ti­me­dia prin­ci­ple: includ­ing graph­ics and images paired with rel­e­vant text.
    • Redun­dan­cy prin­ci­ple: lim­it­ing the top­ic as to not repeat myself.
    • Coher­ence prin­ci­ple: stick­ing to a sin­gu­lar topic/keeping things simple.
    • Pre-train­ing Prin­ci­ple and Pri­or knowl­edge prin­ci­ple: struc­tur­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion with the knowl­edge that learn­ers will have a base under­stand­ing of GDP.
    • Per­son­al­iza­tion prin­ci­ple: when explain­ing the dif­fer­ent slides, keep­ing a casu­al tone of voice and con­ver­sa­tion style.

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