StoÂry telling is such a powÂerÂful way to express ideas and teach powÂerÂful mesÂsages that last longer than bulÂlet point facts. When growÂing up, many chilÂdren are taught largÂer life lessons through metaphors and the make-believe. While this is quite effecÂtive, overÂtime memÂoÂrizaÂtion become the mainÂstream way to learn conÂcepts and ideas in acadÂeÂmia. Adding more conÂnecÂtions to preÂviÂous learnÂing and through brain activÂiÂty to enhance the impact of what we learn. Through media and digÂiÂtal techÂnoloÂgies, there are more ways this can be done with audio and visuÂal effects to fulÂly immerse the learner.
In my opinÂion more stuÂdents can depict all of the charÂacÂter from SpongeÂbob Squarepants more so than the past 5 Prime MinÂisÂters. Many peoÂple find it easÂiÂer to rememÂber and underÂstand things that conÂnect with them on a perÂsonÂal levÂel, and stoÂries make this much easÂiÂer to do. ProÂvidÂing a “richÂer” learnÂing expeÂriÂence, as said by AJ JulÂliani in his artiÂcle about the imporÂtance of stoÂry telling, stoÂries can reach stuÂdents on an emoÂtionÂal and bioÂchemÂiÂcal levÂel. Many stuÂdents may not want to be taught about hisÂtorÂiÂcal events in a date-action way, instead being more engaged with an in-depth stoÂry on the events that occurred.
Works CitÂed
JulÂliani, A. (2016, March 21). The HidÂden ImporÂtance of TeachÂing With StoÂries. Retrieved JanÂuÂary 16, 2021, from