OrgaÂniÂzaÂtion is cruÂcial when creÂatÂing conÂtent for othÂers. If you are not orgaÂnized, then the inforÂmaÂtion will not be comÂmuÂniÂcatÂed smoothÂly and those conÂsumÂing will have a difÂfiÂcult time underÂstandÂing the main mesÂsages. Going through the process with the eyes of both how the inforÂmaÂtion will be received, and how to best comÂmuÂniÂcate that inforÂmaÂtion, may point out gaps in a lesÂson. It is imposÂsiÂble to plan for every sceÂnario that might arise when teachÂing live sesÂsions, yet orgaÂnizÂing the key objecÂtives can negate posÂsiÂble confusion.
When creÂatÂing mulÂtiÂmeÂdia conÂtent it can be easy to get off-track and include inforÂmaÂtion that is not cruÂcial to the lesÂson. This makes the job of the creÂator hardÂer as they would have to edit and explain more than necÂesÂsary. DisÂtractÂing learnÂers with an abunÂdance of inforÂmaÂtion takes away from the effecÂtiveÂness of a lesÂson. A lesÂson plan allows for more streamÂline conÂtent that can be referred to over time.
While orgaÂnizÂing and planÂning for future conÂtent, it is imporÂtant to underÂstand it may not fulÂly achieve everyÂthing that it’s set out to. It’s benÂeÂfiÂcial to have a solÂid plan, even if when creÂatÂing it may not be able to come to fruition. FlexÂiÂbilÂiÂty, espeÂcialÂly with techÂnolÂoÂgy based learnÂing, is a skill to best adapt dependÂing on the circumstances.