EvalÂuÂatÂing my preÂviÂous H5P video from the last blog post, the more approÂpriÂate method is the SECTIONS modÂel. LookÂing more into how the techÂnolÂoÂgy choÂsen was a strength or weakÂness for the intendÂed conÂtent, rather than how it transÂformed the conÂtent. The SAMR method may be betÂter used when decidÂing on which techÂnolÂoÂgy is the most approÂpriÂate and how to best use it for teachÂing. The SECTIONS modÂel is a guide for the planÂning process when using the selectÂed tech. LayÂing out the frameÂwork when thinkÂing about how to best inteÂgrate difÂferÂent techÂnoloÂgies in a lesÂson. The evalÂuÂaÂtion process includes both reflecÂtion on preÂviÂous work, as well as lookÂing forÂward on what can be improved upon in upcomÂing projects. This is why I have choÂsen SECTIONS, as I believe it will betÂter guide me for my future work.
Where my interÂacÂtive video thrives is in the ease of use of the choÂsen techÂnolÂoÂgy when creÂatÂing. H5P was very easy to inteÂgrate into a blog, and proÂvidÂed step-by-step instrucÂtions and tips while creÂatÂing a video. This allowed for betÂter orgaÂniÂzaÂtion when conÂstructÂing the video, while keepÂing costs low and secuÂriÂty high. If necÂesÂsary, stuÂdents can share and access the video at any time. MakÂing it very accesÂsiÂble not only for the creÂator, but for those watchÂing as well. ConÂtinÂuÂing with the learnÂing perÂspecÂtive, when accessÂing the video the interÂacÂtive steps are very easy to folÂlow. With the same comÂfortÂable outÂline as a YouTube video paired with simÂple quesÂtions to allow for full ingratiation.
While the posÂiÂtive of H5P are great, there are still some setÂbacks in the video I postÂed. PriÂmarÂiÂly the netÂworkÂing and interÂacÂtion comÂpoÂnents of SECTIONS. The video had very limÂitÂed interÂacÂtion between learnÂers, learnÂer and creÂator, and learnÂing mateÂriÂals. I believe more opperÂtuÂniÂty to conÂnect not only the learnÂer with the mateÂrÂiÂal (for examÂple through deepÂer quesÂtions), but with othÂer stuÂdents as well. There was no area to disÂcuss the conÂtent or comÂment on the video, which limÂits both the watcher’s quesÂtions and future comÂments on more conÂtent creÂation. A comÂment secÂtion, or a place where those who have watched the video can come togethÂer and ask quesÂtions, would increase this aspect.
I have added a copy of my preÂviÂous video below, as a reminder for what I am referencing.
Below is a link to a brief Google Earth 360 Tour. Feel free to take a look around UVic and the surÂroundÂing areas!