Assignment 2b — Feedback 3

One strength to this blog post is the use of visu­als that con­nect direct­ly to the text. Giv­ing great exam­ples for the Sketch­Note you are talk­ing about, as well as a pic­ture relat­ing to the Bad News web­site. The use of a per­son­al­ized pic­ture bet­ter con­nects read­ers to the infor­ma­tion while con­tin­u­ing to be coher­ent to the main ideas. Your blog also is seg­ment­ed into learn­er-based pieces that make it eas­i­er for learn­ing to digest the material. 

An area in which your blog might improve from would be to include some lev­el of engage­ment from the read­er. Allow­ing the read­er to gen­er­ate self-expla­na­tion can be use­ful to pro­vide more active learn­ing. You do a great job at includ­ing per­son­al expe­ri­ences into the blog, and extend­ing this to the read­ers may be ben­e­fi­cial. Your post has a great lay­out to it, and I look for­ward to read­ing more from you in the future.

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