This blog post includes a lot of very relÂeÂvant and imporÂtant inforÂmaÂtion. All conÂnectÂing to the conÂtent we have learned in class so far while relatÂing it to the TedTalk proÂvidÂed. AllowÂing readÂers to include their preÂviÂous learnÂing, negatÂing the priÂor knowlÂedge prinÂciÂple which can hinÂder learnÂing. The layÂout for the post also is benÂeÂfiÂcial for learnÂers, as it flows quite natÂuÂralÂly from the TedTalk to the conÂtent. ProÂvidÂing conÂtext for what you are talkÂing about.
One thing to conÂsidÂer going forÂward would be to break up the paraÂgraph to betÂter orgaÂnize ideas. As well, perÂhaps includÂing a visuÂal eleÂment in your post may help highÂlight the points you are makÂing. OverÂall your blog looks realÂly nice, and this speÂcifÂic post is very well executed.