Assignment 2b — Feedback 1

This blog post includes a lot of very rel­e­vant and impor­tant infor­ma­tion. All con­nect­ing to the con­tent we have learned in class so far while relat­ing it to the TedTalk pro­vid­ed. Allow­ing read­ers to include their pre­vi­ous learn­ing, negat­ing the pri­or knowl­edge prin­ci­ple which can hin­der learn­ing. The lay­out for the post also is ben­e­fi­cial for learn­ers, as it flows quite nat­u­ral­ly from the TedTalk to the con­tent. Pro­vid­ing con­text for what you are talk­ing about.

One thing to con­sid­er going for­ward would be to break up the para­graph to bet­ter orga­nize ideas. As well, per­haps includ­ing a visu­al ele­ment in your post may help high­light the points you are mak­ing. Over­all your blog looks real­ly nice, and this spe­cif­ic post is very well executed.

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