When using the Bad News game, one of the main issues is the lack of options availÂable to the user. It seems as you could click any option, with most of the “options” only havÂing one answer and get the same response. This does not seem to be that active, as the user can pasÂsiveÂly go through the stoÂry withÂout havÂing to think or have conÂseÂquences to the choicÂes. One of the posÂiÂtive attribÂutÂes to learnÂing through gamÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion is the conÂseÂquences and paths that change based on user interÂacÂtion, when this is takÂen away it is more simÂiÂlar to readÂing a list of text. The conÂtent itself and incluÂsion of images are adeÂquate, yet if we are assessÂing it based on how activeÂly it engages users it is quite limited.
When learnÂing about Sketch-notÂing, it seemed like the ideÂal sitÂuÂaÂtion. Being able to be “loosÂer” with notes, dooÂdling and orgaÂnizÂing them based off of how the indiÂvidÂual absorbs knowlÂedge. LookÂing back to preÂviÂous classÂes of mine, I used to do this more freÂquentÂly. IncludÂing small dooÂdles and charts to refÂerÂence at a latÂer date. Yet while attemptÂing to take notes on a recent jourÂnal artiÂcle, it seemed quite difÂfiÂcult. This type of note takÂing works dependÂing on the conÂtent and levÂel of backÂground knowlÂedge going into the mateÂrÂiÂal. It was quite difÂfiÂcult to break down large conÂcepts and intriÂcate details into bite size points, or dooÂdle-able images. ComÂpared to my elecÂtronÂic notes for the same class, I am able to go into much more detail in a conÂverÂsaÂtion style with myself while typÂing rather than the short form SketchÂnote. If this inforÂmaÂtion was being introÂduced to me for the first time, I can see SketchÂnote workÂing much betÂter. FolÂlowÂing with the mulÂtiÂmeÂdia prinÂciÂple, sigÂnalling prinÂciÂple, and self-explaÂnaÂtion prinÂciÂple in an active way.