One strength to this blog post is the use of visuÂals that conÂnect directÂly to the text. GivÂing great examÂples for the SketchÂNote you are talkÂing about, as well as a picÂture relatÂing to the Bad News webÂsite. The use of a perÂsonÂalÂized picÂture betÂter conÂnects readÂers to the inforÂmaÂtion while conÂtinÂuÂing to be coherÂent to the main ideas. Your blog also is segÂmentÂed into learnÂer-based pieces that make it easÂiÂer for learnÂing to digest the material.
An area in which your blog might improve from would be to include some levÂel of engageÂment from the readÂer. AllowÂing the readÂer to genÂerÂate self-explaÂnaÂtion can be useÂful to proÂvide more active learnÂing. You do a great job at includÂing perÂsonÂal expeÂriÂences into the blog, and extendÂing this to the readÂers may be benÂeÂfiÂcial. Your post has a great layÂout to it, and I look forÂward to readÂing more from you in the future.