One of the things this blog post does well is the orgaÂniÂzaÂtion of ideas. The shortÂer paraÂgraphs make the post very easy to digest and stressÂes the imporÂtant ideas you are sharÂing. You do not repeat ideas over difÂferÂent forÂmats, instead highÂlightÂing the imporÂtant points you want to say. It was benÂeÂfiÂcial to include the examÂple picÂture of a SketchÂNote to give conÂtext for what you are talkÂing about.
The blog post flows well with the text, going forÂward it may be benÂeÂfiÂcial to include perÂsonÂalÂized media or a graphÂic to illusÂtrate your ideas. GivÂing examÂples of your perÂsonÂal SketchÂNote allows the learnÂer to betÂter conÂnect to what you are talkÂing about in the post. I look forÂward to readÂing more from you in the future!