Posting on Instagram: Assignment 4

Post­ing on social media, specif­i­cal­ly Insta­gram is a huge part of our soci­ety today. For our final project, we are going to teach our learn­ers how to post on Insta­gram. Below, we have mul­ti­ple sources of learn­ing mate­ri­als that range from a strate­gic les­son plan that would be uti­lized to teach, info­graph­ics and a video with ver­bal and visu­al demon­stra­tions. Our goal is to ful­ly demon­strate the post­ing process in an engag­ing way. Uti­liz­ing the tech­niques we have learnt through­out the class, as well as the learn­ing prin­ci­ples to cre­ate a com­pre­hen­sive lesson.

To begin we cre­at­ed a les­son plan orga­niz­ing our ideas and goals for the learn­ers. Map­ping out the dif­fer­ent areas that mul­ti­me­dia would assist the les­son. Through this we edit­ed our­selves to include a wider vari­ety of mul­ti­me­dia con­tent, and includ­ed a way for learn­ers to deliv­er feed­back to us. Cre­at­ing a bet­ter dia­logue between the cre­ators and learn­ers and focus­ing on includ­ing the mul­ti­me­dia principles.

What we have cre­at­ed for our learn­ers demon­strates active learn­ing and pro­motes engage­ment. This is evi­dent through our inter­ac­tive assign­ment because the learn­ers are required to use their own device to cre­ate the desired out­come (ie: Insta­gram post). It is also a per­son­al assign­ment because the learn­ers have the free­dom to choose to post any­thing that they like. This makes the task less stress­ful and more engag­ing. Adding a per­son­al ele­ment both with­in the les­son through our own expe­ri­ences with Insta­gram con­nects the learn­ers with the con­tent and pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty to relate the con­tent with their dai­ly lives. Addi­tion­al­ly, the task being assigned to the stu­dents is a form of social inter­ac­tion. This is one of the ben­e­fits to social media, it allows the users to engage with oth­ers direct­ly from their phone. Last­ly, the video with the demon­stra­tion and voiceover con­tains mul­ti­ple dif­fer­ent learn­ing prin­ci­ples, ensur­ing its effi­cien­cy for teach­ing a new task.

A com­pre­hen­sive list of the prin­ci­ples we fol­lowed, as well as an expla­na­tion as to how is below:

The sig­nalling prin­ci­ple is the idea that peo­ple learn bet­ter when cues are added that high­light the key infor­ma­tion and its orga­ni­za­tion. This is evi­dent in our info­graph­ic because of the clip-art, bold titles and short descrip­tions. It is easy for the learn­er to fol­low and visu­al­ly appealing.

The seg­ment­ing prin­ci­ple is the idea that peo­ple learn bet­ter when extra­ne­ous mate­r­i­al is exclud­ed rather than includ­ed. This is evi­dent in our screen­cast video with the voice over because we did not add clip-art or text to the screen. We did not want to over­whelm our view­ers so we decid­ed to teach with visu­al and audio cues.

The per­son­al­i­sa­tion prin­ci­ple is the idea that peo­ple learn bet­ter from a mul­ti­me­dia mes­sage when they know the names and char­ac­ter­is­tics of the main con­cepts. This is evi­dent because of the pre­req­ui­sites for this les­son plan. It is required that peo­ple already have an Insta­gram account. By man­dat­ing this, we are ensur­ing that peo­ple have heard of Insta­gram and know its pur­pose. This foun­da­tion ensures opti­mal learn­ing through­out our lesson. 

While explain­ing the process of post­ing on Insta­gram, and going through the process our­selves, the worked exam­ple prin­ci­ple is in use. Show­ing posts on Insta­gram, as well as the fin­ished prod­uct after the step-by-step guide, pro­vides learn­ers with a ref­er­ence to what they should be aim­ing for. 

When cre­at­ing dif­fer­ent mul­ti­me­dia ele­ments to best edu­cate the learn­er, we kept the words and pic­tures close togeth­er. Fol­low­ing both of the con­ti­gu­i­ty prin­ci­ples, we know that peo­ple learn bet­ter when relat­ed words and pic­tures are clos­er togeth­er rather than apart. In the graph­ic pro­vid­ed, the text and pic­tures are very close togeth­er, some­times inter­act­ing with the image itself. Keep­ing the learn­er engaged and focused on the impor­tant information.

Multimedia Lesson Plan: Posting on Instagram


Learn­ers will be able to nav­i­gate Insta­gram to post pic­tures. Includ­ing minor edit­ing on the post with the use of fil­ters, adding a cap­tion, tag­ging accounts and adding a location.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the les­son, learner’s will be able to:

  1. Uti­lize Instagram’s post­ing capabilities.
  2. Nav­i­gate the edit­ing sec­tion of Insta­gram to achieve the desir­able out­come on the post.
    1. Add a fil­ter to their photo. 
    2. Crop their pho­to to suit Instagram’s format.
  3. Add a cap­tion to their post.
    1. Include hash­tags to their caption.
  4. Set a loca­tion to their post.
  5. Tag anoth­er account on their post.
  6. Gain­ing tech­nol­o­gy and social media experience

Prior Knowledge

  1. Learn­ers will need to know how to log into and open their Insta­gram account.
  2. Learn­ers will need to know how to take a pic­ture on their phone.
  3. Learn­ers will need to be able to fol­low oth­er accounts.


  1. Intro­duc­tion: Intro­duce Insta­gram and the key addi­tions to post­ing a picture.
    1. Info­graph­ic includ­ed to go over the steps briefly. 
    2. Pic­tures of Insta­gram posts.
    3. Per­son­al exam­ple of post­ing a memory.
  1. Open­ing Insta­gram and choos­ing a photo.
    1. Text instruc­tions.
      1. Briefly going over nec­es­sary pri­or knowledge.
    2. Pic­tures of website/key page. 
    3. Graph­ic used to exem­pli­fy steps.
  1. Adding a cap­tion and location.
    1. Screen Share video going through the below points.
    2. Final steps post-pho­to selection.
      1. Adding a caption.
      2. Using hash­tags.
      3. Adding a location.
      4. Tag­ging addi­tion­al accounts.
    3. Graph­ic used to exem­pli­fy steps. 



“Mak­ing a post on Instagram” 


  • Explain the ben­e­fits of social media, specif­i­cal­ly Insta­gram in this case and how net­work­ing has become a huge asset to soci­ety. Tell a per­son­al sto­ry to show­case the impor­tance of net­work­ing on social media.
    • Paige can explain her per­son­al expe­ri­ence with post­ing to Insta­gram on the UVic Vikes women’s soc­cer account and how it has been a great resource for build­ing the team’s network.

Learn­ing Objec­tive: Explain the over­all objec­tive of the les­son, being learn­ing how to make a post on Instagram

Sup­plies: List sup­plies needed 


Cre­at­ing A New Post: 

  • Once you’re logged in to your Insta­gram account on the Insta­gram app and you’re on your feed
  • → to ensure you’re on your feed, look at the bot­tom left cor­ner and if the house icon is shad­ed, that indi­cates you’re cur­rent­ly on your feed.
  • Select the box with a plus sign in it, at the top right of the screen. It is the icon that is far­thest from the far right side of the screen. 

Craft­ing the Post: 

  • Now, you can select a pho­to from your device’s pho­to library to post or you can choose to take a pho­to with the cam­era icon on the bot­tom right of the pho­to frame.
  • Once you have decid­ed on a pho­to to post, click “Next” at the top right of the screen. 
  • Once you have decid­ed on a pho­to to post, click “Next” at the top right of the screen. This is now the “fil­ter” sec­tion, where you can choose to edit your pho­to. Insta­gram has many fil­ter options that you can apply to your pho­to. Fil­ters are pre­sets that change the light­ing, high­lights, con­trast, etc of the pho­to. Scroll through a select one that enhances your photo!
  •  On the bot­tom right of the screen, you can also choose to “edit” your pho­to. This takes you to a bunch of oth­er edit­ing options, such as “crop­ping, bright­ness, con­trast, struc­ture, etc.
  • After you have edit­ed your pho­to and decid­ed on how you want it to look, select, “Next” at the top right again.


  • In this last step of craft­ing your Insta­gram post, you can select a cap­tion that best describes or relates to your image. You can do this in the large text box that is at the top, to the right of a pre­view of your image.
  • Anoth­er fea­ture that you can add is a loca­tion. By select­ing “Add Loca­tion”, you can look up where you would like to tag. This will appear above your pho­to, and below your user­name, on the feed.
  • Once you have decid­ed on a pho­to to post, click “Next” at the top right of the screen. Last, you can choose to tag anoth­er account. You can do this by select­ing the “Tag Peo­ple” but­ton and look­ing up the name of the desired account. Once select­ed, you can move the account name to a desired spot on your pho­to, or leave it for it to be ran­dom­ly placed. 


  • To offi­cial­ly post, hit the “Share” but­ton on the top right of the screen.
  • Watch your post upload and hit the feed for your fol­low­ers to see!
  • You can now find this post on your account by select­ing the icon of your dis­play pic­ture at the bot­tom right of the screen

This con­tent will be deliv­ered in a blog post with embed­ded text, images and videos.  Learn­ers will be able to share their own results and make com­ments on the post.


MAKING A POST TO INSTAGRAMText & Image of  final productBegin­ning Short and engag­ing begin­ning that will get  the learn­ers  interested.
INTRODUCTIONText Begin­ning Dis­cuss how social media net­work­ing is valu­able in our soci­ety today. Tell a per­son­al sto­ry to cap­ti­vate learners.
PREREQUISITES AND SUPPLIESText & Image Mid­dle List all the need­ed   sup­plies and the pre­req­ui­sites need­ed to make these treats.
METHOD Text & Video Mid­dle How to cre­ate and craft an Insta­gram post — nav­i­gat­ing select­ing an image, adding a fil­ter and edits, cre­at­ing a cap­tion, adding loca­tion and tag­ging oth­er accounts.
FINAL PRODUCT Text & Image of postEnd Include how to share and the final prod­uct on the feed and on the per­son­al Insta­gram account.


  • Learn­ers eval­u­a­tion: learn­ers will sub­mit their orig­i­nal pho­to, as well as a screenshot/picture of their post.
    • Must include the following:
      • One fil­ter over the picture.
      • A cap­tion.
      • At least 1 hashtag.
      • Loca­tion being used.
      • Anoth­er account being tagged.
    • Feed­back will be giv­en based on the includ­ed edits/details.
  • Learn­er feed­back survey.



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